Friday, September 28, 2018

October 1 - October 5


October 1st - Wear blue today to stomp out bullying!!  It's World Day of Bullying Prevention!!
October 1st - 5th - Parent/Teacher Conferences Scheduled
October 5th - NO SCHOOL --Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 8th - NO SCHOOL
October 15th - First Grade Raffle Winners Party - "Pumpkins and Treats".
October 12th - End of the 1st 9 weeks 
October 19th - Report Cards go home - Please sign and return
***All library books are due back to school on Mondays.  Learners will not be able to check out new books until the old books are returned.  Thank you!

***Please remember that the tardy bell rings at 7:40.  Learners must be IN THEIR CLASSROOM by 7:40.  In the mornings, it is best if you drop off your children in the gym before 7:30 so they can walk down with their class.  The gym doors open at 7:20. It helps us start the day with a positive start when we walk down together as a class.  THANKS!!

What Are We Learning?

Language Arts / Reading:

Next week's spelling rule:  Using "silent e" to make the long /a/ sound.
**The spelling rules each week will start to become increasingly more difficult.  Please remember to help your child at home each week. Thank you!!

In writing we are setting personal writing goals to help show our success in writing.  We are doing great with topic sentences, closing sentences and transition words in the middle to help move our writing along.

During reader's workshop are are building good habits by scooping up phrases instead of individual words, setting reading goals, and smoothing out our voices when reading.  Don't forget to use your reading strategies when you get stuck on a word!

Social Studies:  

We will be learning about Christopher Columbus.  We will be using Pebblego to for our research to help us learn about him.   We will write a poem about Christopher Columbus, also!!!!


Learners will apply basic fact strategies to add.  Learners will continue to compose and decompose numbers up to 10.

Math Take Home Activity:
Have your child explain how to use a doubles fact to solve the doubles plus one fact 4+5
Give them other doubles plus one fact to solve.


Learners will discover the way matter changes through heating and cooling. 

First Grade Spotlight: 
1A is thrilled to spotlight JoLeigh this week. JoLeigh's dream job would be to be a math teacher and a babysitter.  She loves math! Her favorite fact is 70 + 70!  In her free time, JoLeigh loves to have play dates.  She is very excited to be on the Coppell Cheer team this year.  You can find her cheering on the Coppell Youth football teams.  Go JoLeigh!  Go Cowboys! 1A loves JoLeigh!

1B is proud to spotlight Manvikk this week!  Manvikk's favorite thing to do when he is not at school is spend time with his dad.  They love going to the movies together!  Over the summer Manvikk and his family traveled to London.  He loved seeing the Queen's guards!! Manvikk is always so happy that his brother is in A hall with him this year!! 

1C is proud to spotlight Saarth this week!  Saarth loves eating mac & cheese and playing with his grandparents.  His favorite subjects in school are Math and Science and he loves the Magic Tree House series.  In his free time, he plays soccer.  We are so happy to have Saarth as part of our school family!

1D is thrilled to spotlight Ethan this week!!  He's a great friend and has a growth mindset.  He enjoys watching football, and his favorite team is the Pittsburgh Steelers!! What??Yes!!  Ethan like to draw, play tennis and run!!  He's very fast!1D adores our Ethan!!

This Week's Pics

Sometimes you just need a little brain break! 

It's always more fun to read with a partner!!

We love adding partner reading to Reader's Workshop!!
Someone lost her first tooth at school!  What a beautiful smile!  
Investigating the properties of liquids! 

How can liquids be described?  I loved hearing them use vocabulary words like transparent, translucent, and opaque.  Way to go 1st grade!  

Exploring Liquids and recording our results. 
Mind Mission Presentation in Social Studies
Learners had to work collaboratively to create a slogan/sign to
get their bunny elected as president of the Bunny Community.  They also had to design
and create a gift for their bunny to pass out to voters.  Way to go 1A!!!