Friday, May 17, 2019

Last Week

What will we do on our last week together?
Monday - Game Day
Please bring a board game, cards, etc. to school for a fun day with friends.  Make sure to put your child's name on the game.  No technology, please! 

Tuesday - Field Day!!!  
Field Day will take place at TCE.  We will not be walking to the CORE.  If it rains, there will not be a makeup day. 
1. Have your child wear a bathing suit, suntan lotion, and comfy shoes that can get wet (no socks).
2. Wear your #FIRST t-shirt over your bathing suit.  
3.  Everyone needs a sack lunch on this day. No lunchboxes please.
4.  Bring a water bottle (with your name on it) and a towel (with your name on it).
5.  Bring your smile!  Today is an awesome day!! 

Wednesday - Movie Day
Bring a small pillow and small blanket to get comfy. 

Thursday - Last Day
We will have an early dismissal.  Please be here to pick up your child at 12:15. 

TCE Library books

Please make sure that all library books have been returned or paid for if not found.  Your child will not receive their report card until the library books have been returned or the fines have been paid.  All report cards will be in the office if there are outstanding library charges after the last day. 

We can't believe that next week is our last week together.  These last two years have been so very special to all of us.  We will hold all of you in our hearts forever!  Have a wonderful and safe summer!