Friday, May 17, 2019

Last Week

What will we do on our last week together?
Monday - Game Day
Please bring a board game, cards, etc. to school for a fun day with friends.  Make sure to put your child's name on the game.  No technology, please! 

Tuesday - Field Day!!!  
Field Day will take place at TCE.  We will not be walking to the CORE.  If it rains, there will not be a makeup day. 
1. Have your child wear a bathing suit, suntan lotion, and comfy shoes that can get wet (no socks).
2. Wear your #FIRST t-shirt over your bathing suit.  
3.  Everyone needs a sack lunch on this day. No lunchboxes please.
4.  Bring a water bottle (with your name on it) and a towel (with your name on it).
5.  Bring your smile!  Today is an awesome day!! 

Wednesday - Movie Day
Bring a small pillow and small blanket to get comfy. 

Thursday - Last Day
We will have an early dismissal.  Please be here to pick up your child at 12:15. 

TCE Library books

Please make sure that all library books have been returned or paid for if not found.  Your child will not receive their report card until the library books have been returned or the fines have been paid.  All report cards will be in the office if there are outstanding library charges after the last day. 

We can't believe that next week is our last week together.  These last two years have been so very special to all of us.  We will hold all of you in our hearts forever!  Have a wonderful and safe summer!  

Friday, May 10, 2019

May 13 - May 17


May 13th - 15th - STAAR tests--No parents/visitors in the building on these days
May 14th - Mrs. Vincenzo's birthday
May 21st - Field Day - This event will take place at TCE.  We will not be going to The Core this year.
May 23rd - Last day  - Dismissal at 12:15

TCE Library books

The district's final due date for all library books is today, Friday, May 10. Please, help your child locate any Town Center Elementary library books that they may have checked out, and remind them to return books to our school library as soon as possible.  Your child will not be able to receive their report card if there are any outstanding library fines. 

What Are We Learning?
Language Arts:
We are wrapping up our end of year assessments for reading and writing.  We are also finishing up our class books about friends in our class.  

Social Studies:  
Next week we will finish up our study of the earth and landforms.  

Math:  Learners will define income as a means of obtaining goods and services, oftentimes making choices between wants and needs. 

Math Take Home Activity  Have a conversation with your child about the meaning of saving, spending, and giving to charity.  See if they can give you examples of each word.  

Science: We will be finishing up our unit on the needs of animals. We will then turn our focus to the parts of plants and how plants survive. 

Pics From The Week

We take the game of Chess very seriously in first grade! 

I see a future Fashion Merchandising degree in her future!  #indoorrecess  #creativity
First grade loved our author visit and learning how a book is made from idea to publication!!!
Learning about Ladybugs is so much fun! 

Friday, May 3, 2019

May 6 - 10


(Mark your calendars!!  These are the dates for the rest of the year.  We will add more as we know them.)
May 7th - PTO meeting (6-7)  All parents are invited to attend! 
May 10th - All library books are due for the year
May 13th - 15th - STAAR tests--No parents/visitors in the building on these days
May 14th - Mrs. Vincenzo's birthday
May 21st - Field Day 
May 23rd - Last day  - Dismissal at 12:15

TCE Library books

The district's final due date for all library books is Friday, May 10. Please, help your child locate any Town Center Elementary library books that they may have checked out, and remind them to return books to our school library no later than Friday, May 10.  Please, also pay for any lost or damaged library books by Friday, May 10.  Your child can log into their library account at and go to the "My Info" tab to make sure that all of their library books have been returned.

Kindergarten - 2nd grade Author Visit

Author and former CISD Educator, Julie Wolf, will be visiting our TCE Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade classes on Monday, May 6!  We are looking forward to this special opportunity to have the author read aloud one of her books, show us how she became a published author, and share fun activities related to her stories.  Families are welcome to purchase their own copies of Julie Wolf's book from her website or Amazon. If you would like the author to autograph the book, please have your child bring the book to Mrs. Keene-Carlson (TCE Librarian) before the date of Ms. Wolf's visit so that she can prepare it for her to sign.


Due to the calendar and end of year assessments lasting until the end of May, we will not be having official end of year parent teacher conferences this year.  However, if you have unanswered questions and would like a parent teacher conference to answer them, please let your teacher know. 
What Are We Learning?
Language Arts:

Reading:  We will continue to assess all of the learners for their end of year reading level and sight words.  We are so proud of their first grade accomplishments.

Writing: We will be taking our end of year writing assessment to show our amazing progress with our writing skills. 

Social Studies:   We will continue our study of landforms by identifying the characteristics of different landforms around our world. 

Math:  We will begin our study on the use of nonstandard units to measure the length of an object. 

Math Take Home Activity  
Give your child paper clips or other small objects that are the same length.  Have him or her use the paper clips to measure objects around the house. Science:  We will be discussing animals and their habitats.  We will explore where animals live, how they move and what they eat. 

Science: This week we will be exploring how plants and animals depend on other living things to survive.  This might be a baby animal depending on its parents for food and safety or a bird depending on a tree for shelter.