Friday, April 5, 2019

April 8th - April 12th


April 9 - 11th - STAAR TESTING - No visitors/parents in the building on these days.
April 11th - Field Trip to ATT stadium - Wear #FIRST shirt and bring sack lunch!!
April 12th - TCE First Annual Color Run 5:30 - 7:30
April 19th - No School/Weather Day - We will not have school on this day if we haven't used a weather day. 
April 20th - Mrs. McCullough's birthday
April 22nd - NO SCHOOL  - teacher workday 
April 29th - TCE STEM Night  5:30 - 7:00  We hope to see everyone there!!!

TCE Fundraiser/Color Run!!!!!!
Make sure you register by TODAY  in order to get the official, colorful t-shirt! You can also pre-order your punch cards for food and other fun activities.  Visit the PTO website to register at


Our field trip is almost here (April 11th).  The buses will be departing TCE at 9:00am.  Please make sure your child remembers the following:

1.  Wear comfortable walking shoes.  There will be LOTS of walking on this field trip.
2.  Wear your #FIRST shirt so that we can easily spot all of our TCE learners.
3.  Bring a sack lunch.  Everything MUST BE disposable.  Please do NOT send lunchboxes or ice packs as everything will be thrown away after we eat.  We will be eating in the stadium.

***Thank you to all of our volunteers!!! If you are volunteering for our field trip, please remember that you will not be able to ride the bus with us to ATT stadium.  You may meet us at the stadium or follow the buses.  The buses will be departing TCE at 9:00am.  Also, learners will not be able to drive to/from the stadium in your car.  All learners will take the bus with the teachers.  If you are following the buses, please meet us in the cafeteria car loop as parents will not be allowed in the building due to STAAR testing. 

What Are We Learning?
Language Arts:
     Spelling:  We will discuss words with the /oi/ and /oy/  sounds. This will be our last week for new spelling rules and spelling tests!!  We will spend the rest of the year reviewing the spelling rules we covered in first grade!  
     Reading We can't get our hands on enough books!  We will continue to read with our Reader's workshop bags as well as Learning A-Z in order to work on comprehension.
     Writing:  We are finishing up publishing our books with our digital storybook app.  When we finish, we will put them on Bulb so we can save them forever! 

Social Studies: We will continue learning mapping skills, parts of a map, and how to use a map for directions. "Where are we on the map?"

Math: We will identify three-dimensional solids, including spheres, cones, cylinders, rectangular prisms (including cubes), and triangular prisms, and describe their attributes using geometric language. 

Math Take Home Activity
Collect a few three-dimensional objects that are shaped like spheres, cones, cylinders and cubes.  Ask your child what two-dimensional shapes are on those objects. 

Science:  This week we will be observing the life cycles of animals.  We will learn about fish, frogs, and chickens.  We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our chicken eggs!

                  Pic of the Weeks

Composing and Decomposing 2 Dimensional Shapes 

Congratulations to our Citizens of the Year!!!