February 15th - NO SCHOOL for children. This is a workday for teachers.
February 18th - Weather Day -NO SCHOOL
February 19th - SIX FLAGS reading logs due (if you need a new one, please let your teacher know)
February 20th - Wacky Wednesday schedule
February 22nd - PTO movie night
TCE's 2nd Annual Culture Night
We are excited to have our 2nd annual Culture Night at TCE.
Last year was such a great success with all the dishes you shared with
our TCE community. If you would like to share an appetizer, main dish or
dessert on March 28th please sign up below. We will get back with you with more
specific details as the event grows near. TCE will provide sample cups to share
the dish you bring. This event was successful because of all of our
families' contributions. Thank you for making our school so great!
Be on the lookout for more information about this event including
performances and interactive stations!
*** Our rooms moms did a wonderful job on the Valentine's Day party -- THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!!!! We are glad so many parents could come out and celebrate with us!
***We are collecting soup cans for Metrocrest Services. If you would like to donate, there is a first grade soup donation box at the end of the hallway! This is a great way to teach our little ones about giving back to the community!
***We are collecting soup cans for Metrocrest Services. If you would like to donate, there is a first grade soup donation box at the end of the hallway! This is a great way to teach our little ones about giving back to the community!
What Are We Learning?
Language Arts:
Spelling: We will not have spelling next week. We will review past spelling rules.
Reading: We can't get enough of our new books in our Reader's Workshop bags!! We love to read!!
Writing: We will continue to work on writing in the past tense.
Social Studies:
We will continue our study on Famous Americans. We have put their information on a class timeline. Now, we will be making timelines of our lives.
We will continue our study on Famous Americans. We have put their information on a class timeline. Now, we will be making timelines of our lives.
We will be concluding our money/time unit. Learners will benefit from ongoing discussions at home regarding time and money. We will also discuss how to interpret information from a bar graph by comparing the lengths of the bars.
Math Take Home Activity:
Have your child look through newspapers and magazines for examples of bar graphs. Talk about what information is shown in each graph you find.
Learners will continue to investigate soil. We are hoping to make a trip to the community garden sometime this week. We will compare the soil from TCE's garden to the community garden.
First Grade Spotlight:
1B is proud to spotlight Isabel! Isabel just moved to Town Center and has already made so many friends in our class! She is loved by everyone! We are so glad you are here Isabel! 1B loves you!! |