Friday, September 21, 2018

September 24 - September 28


October 1st - 5th - Parent/Teacher Conferences Scheduled
October 5th - NO SCHOOL --Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 8th - NO SCHOOL
October 15th - First Grade Raffle Winners Party - "Pumpkins and Treats".
October 12th - End of the 1st 9 weeks 
October 19th - Report Cards go home - Please sign and return

***All library books are due back to school on Mondays.  Learners will not be able to check out new books until the old books are returned.  Thank you!

***Please remember that the tardy bell rings at 7:40.  Learners must be IN THEIR CLASSROOM by 7:40.  In the mornings, it is best if you drop off your children in the gym before 7:30 so they can walk down with their class.  The gym doors open at 7:20. It helps us start the day with a positive start when we walk down together as a class.  THANKS!!

What Are We Learning?

Language Arts / Reading:

Next Week's Spelling Rule: digraphs (bossy h). Don't forget to study your spelling words each week.

Each morning we do DOL to help us edit our writing. We are on the hunt for missing periods, capital letters, and incorrect spellings, etc. This helps us make the transfer to edit our writing when we have Writer's Workshop.

Don't forget to download the "Learning A to Z" app on your smart device. You will have to put your teacher's log in the first time you use the app (1atce, 1btce, 1ctce, 1dtce). After you do that, your child will log in with their username/password. This is a great app that has leveled books at just their correct level! If you are having trouble with the app, please let your teacher know.

Social Studies:  

We will be learning about the importance of voting.  We will be participating in a fun classroom election with Duck for President.


Learners will apply basic fact strategies to add.  Learners will use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, and comparing sets within 10 and unknowns.  Example: 2 + 4 = ___
                                    3 + ____ = 7   
                                    8 = ____+ 3

Math Take Home Activity:
Write 10 = 10 + 0. Model the problem with pennies.  Ask your children to make 10 another way.  Take turns until you and your child model all the ways to make 10.


Learners will investigate the properties and behaviors of liquids.  

First Grade Spotlight: 

1A is so happy to spotlight Matthew this week.  He is an absolute joy to have in class and wants to be a teacher when he grows up.  Matthew plays soccer, lacrosse, and basketball.  His favorite subjects are math, reading and writing.  In his free time, he loves to hang with his big sister and do math problems.
 1A loves Matthew! 

1B loves Anagha!!  We are so happy to spotlight Anagha this week!  She is an amazing friend and learner and always gives her best.  Her favorite food to eat is spaghetti, just like her teacher!  She loves to play tag with her little brother and can't wait to go to India again to see her cousins and her Grandmother.  Anagha has been a great ambassador this week greeting each friend at the door when they arrive in our class.  We love you, Anagha! 

IC is so pleased to spotlight Jennifer! Jennifer's favorite food is spaghetti and she loves reading the Berenstain Bears!  She spends her free time playing cards and taking dance classes.  1C is always happy to see her bright smile!

1D is thrilled to spotlight Hadley this week! She is a great friend! In her free time, she enjoys cheering, baking, and spending time with her family. She loves going on vacation to the beach in Seaside, Florida!! 1D adores Hadley!!

Pics From the Week

Making a plan and carrying it out.  Genius minds
are at work in 1B this week!  
How can you not LOVE your job when
someone makes you this sign for our classroom!!!
Thank you Kaylynh!!! 
This is a serious game of checkers!  I
love seeing them build their friendships! 

Sweet friends playing at recess!
Yay for no rain!

Learning about the properties of liquids
is very interesting!
 We even learned the word viscous!

 Student Choice!  I love watching them work. 

Working so hard!