Friday, March 29, 2019

April 1st - April 5th


April 9 - 11th - STAAR TESTING - No visitors/parents in the building on these days.
April 11th - Field Trip to ATT stadium
April 12th - TCE First Annual Color Run 
April 19th - No School/Weather Day - We will not have school on this day if we haven't used a weather day. 
April 20th - Mrs. McCullough's birthday
April 22nd - NO SCHOOL  - teacher workday 
April 29th - TCE STEM Night  5:30 - 7:00  We hope to see everyone there!!!

A Note from Ms. Martin: 

TCE Families,
The data analysis from the looping survey is complete, and a decision has been made in regards to the looping process at Town Center Elementary. Please click on the link below to view the Looping Report which includes a summary of the data received, conclusions, and next steps. 
A special thank you to our TCE families, staff, and learners that provided feedback. I appreciate the honest and thoughtful insight that was given. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any additional questions or concerns, and I would be happy to meet with you.

Thank you,
Jennifer Martin

TCE's 2nd Annual Culture Night
Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed this special night with us!!  We loved learning about different cultures!!


Our field trip is almost here (April 11th).  The buses will be departing TCE at 9:00am.  Please make sure your child remembers the following:

1.  Wear comfortable walking shoes.  There will be LOTS of walking on this field trip.
2.  Wear your #FIRST shirt so that we can easily spot all of our TCE learners.
3.  Bring a sack lunch.  Everything MUST BE disposable.  Please do NOT send lunchboxes or ice packs as everything will be thrown away after we eat.  We will be eating in the stadium.

***Thank you to all of our volunteers!!! If you are volunteering for our field trip, please remember that you will not be able to ride the bus with us to ATT stadium.  You may meet us at the stadium or follow the buses.  The buses will be departing TCE at 9:00am.  Also, learners will not be able to drive to/from the stadium in your car.  All learners will take the bus with the teachers.  

What Are We Learning?
Language Arts:
     Spelling:  words with the /aw/ sound
     Reading In Reader's Workshop we are learning that readers have big jobs to do:  fluency, phonics, and comprehension.
     Writing:  We are putting everything we have learned into our writing:  brainstorming ideas, handwriting, transition words, punctuation, spelling rules, topic sentences, closing sentences, capitalization......  Wow!  We have learned a lot!! 

Social Studies: We will continue creating our digital book that will showcase something in our life.

Math: Learners will compose two-dimensional shapes by joining two, three, or four figures to produce a target shape in more than one way if possible. 

Math Take Home Activity: Ask your child to draw a new shape he or she can make by combining two triangles. 

Science:  This week we will be starting our unit on living things.  We will begin by telling the difference between living and nonliving things.  From there we will be comparing the ways young animals resemble their parents. PS - we will be setting up the incubator to hatch chicks in the next couple of weeks!!

                  Pic of the Weeks
Exploring shapes with Osmos! 

 We have worked hard and can't wait to spend our Texan bucks!  

Anagha and her mom entertained us at Cultural Night!! 
The teachers "tried" to learn a dance at Cultural Night! 

Friday, March 22, 2019

March 25th - March 29th


March 22nd - Report cards sent home (sign and return)
March 25th - Sonic Night - Come see your teachers delivering food and taking orders.  This is a TCE fundraiser.  A portion of the earnings will go directly to TCE!!  See you there!!  
March 27th - Wacky Wednesday schedule 
March 28th - Cultural Night 
April 9 - 11th - STAAR TESTING - No visitors/parents in the building on these days.
April 11th - Field Trip to ATT stadium
April 12th - TCE First Annual Color Run 
April 19th - No School/Weather Day - We will not have school on this day if we haven't used a weather day. 
April 20th - Mrs. McCullough's birthday
April 22nd - NO SCHOOL
April 29th - TCE STEM Night  5:30 - 7:00  We hope to see everyone there!!!

A Note from Ms. Martin: 

TCE Families,
The data analysis from the looping survey is complete, and a decision has been made in regards to the looping process at Town Center Elementary. Please click on the link below to view the Looping Report which includes a summary of the data received, conclusions, and next steps. 
A special thank you to our TCE families, staff, and learners that provided feedback. I appreciate the honest and thoughtful insight that was given. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any additional questions or concerns, and I would be happy to meet with you.

Thank you,
Jennifer Martin

TCE's 2nd Annual Culture Night
We are excited to have our 2nd annual Culture Night at TCE.  Last year was such a great success with all the dishes you shared with our TCE community.  If you would like to share an appetizer, main dish or dessert on March 28th please sign up below. We will get back with you with more specific details as the event grows near. TCE will provide sample cups to share the dish you bring.  This event was successful because of all of our families' contributions. Thank you for making our school so great! 

Be on the lookout for more information about this event including performances and interactive stations!


***If you are volunteering for our field trip, please make sure that you do your background check asap.  You will not be able to attend unless that is completed at least 2 weeks in advance.  THANK YOU!!!! 

What Are We Learning?
Language Arts:
     Spelling:  We will talk about the two sounds that /oo/ can make.
     Reading In Reader's Workshop we are learning that readers have big jobs to do:  fluency, phonics, and comprehension.
     Writing:  We are putting everything we have learned into our writing:  brainstorming ideas, handwriting, transition words, punctuation, spelling rules, topic sentences, closing sentences, capitalization......  Wow!  We have learned a lot!! 

Social Studies
We will complete our Economics Unit and then will focus on how we can affect the world.

Math:  Learners will continue to classify and sort regular and irregular two- dimensional shapes based on attributes using informal and geometric language. 
Math Take Home Activity: Have your child draw a square, a trapezoid, and a triangle.  For each shape, have him or her show you the sides and vertices, and tell how many of each.  

Science:  On Monday we will test our abilities as Materials Engineers!  We will take a "wrecking ball" to our creations to see if our mortar will hold the bricks together. From there we will be moving into life science.

                  Pic of the Weeks
1B is back to work after a restful spring break!!!
Making goals to improve our reading!!! 

Setting goals in writing helps us learn!!! 

Working on antonyms!! 

We are vocabulary word wizards!!!! 

What a fun visit to celebrate TCE's donations for Jump Rope for the Heart. 

Partnering up with 5th graders to discuss properties of  solids

Add caption
 Analyzing dry and wet materials 

Friday, March 8, 2019

March 18 - 22


March 11th - 15th - Spring Break/No School
March 22nd - Report cards sent home (sign and return)
March 25th - Sonic Night - Come see your teachers delivering food and taking orders.  This is a TCE fundraiser.  A portion of the earnings will go directly to TCE!!  See you there!!  
March 27th - Wacky Wednesday schedule 
March 28th - Cultural Night 
April 11th - Field Trip to ATT stadium 

Open House:

Thank you to everyone who came to the Open House last night.  We loved sharing our hard work with you!! 

TCE's 2nd Annual Culture Night
We are excited to have our 2nd annual Culture Night at TCE.  Last year was such a great success with all the dishes you shared with our TCE community.  If you would like to share an appetizer, main dish or dessert on March 28th please sign up below. We will get back with you with more specific details as the event grows near. TCE will provide sample cups to share the dish you bring.  This event was successful because of all of our families' contributions. Thank you for making our school so great! 

Be on the lookout for more information about this event including performances and interactive stations!


***If you are volunteering for our field trip, please make sure that you do your background check asap.  You will not be able to attend unless that is completed at least 2 weeks in advance.  THANK YOU!!!! 

What Are We Learning?
Language Arts:
     Spelling:  We will be learning words with the /ou/ spelling when we return.
     Reading We will be getting more challenging books in our Reader's Workshop bags that will be in our new DRA levels.  Our Reader's Workshop bags include sight words, fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.  
     Writing:  Editing sentences to look for mistakes with capitals, punctuation, plural words, and sentence structure.  We will continue writing in our daily journals.  

Social Studies: We will review wants, needs, goods, services, consumers, and producers.  We will read Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday and discuss the importance of spending/saving and making good choices.

Math:  Learners will classify and sort regular and irregular two-dimensional shapes based on attributes using informal geometric language.  

Math Take Home ActivityGather some household objects such as photos, coins, and napkins.  Ask your child to sort them by shape.  Discuss the attributes of the shapes. 

Science:  We are so excited to begin our Engineering project! We have been learning about different earth materials and their uses.  We will use what we learn about soil, clay, and water to create the perfect mortar. 

First Grade Spotlight: 
1A:  Spotlights finished! 
1B:  Spotlights finished! 
Last, but definitely not least, our final 1C spotlight is Juliana!  Juliana is kind and caring to everyone.  When she grows up, she wants to be a nurse just like her mom.  Her favorite thing to eat is ice cream - YUM! In her free time, Juliana loves to play  

1D: Spotlights finished! 
                  Pic of the Weeks
When your friend finds a sing-a-long book on his Raz Kids Reading app
you just have to join in the fun!! 
Sometimes you just need your own personal quiet place to read! 
Getting ready for the first grade program!  

Friday Smiles!  

First Grade can dance! 

So true!  We are better together!  

Friends Forever!  
A teacher always has her eyes on her angels!!!
When you are hosting guests you have to clean for them.
I would hire this cleaning group anytime!! 

Friday, March 1, 2019

March 4th - March 8th


March 4th-8th - Book Fair
March 5th - PTO Meeting 6-7
March 5th - Donuts With Dad-CANCELLED
March 6th - Donuts with Dad -CANCELLED
March 6th - Group picture day
March 6th - Wacky Wednesday schedule
March 7th - Open House 5:30 - 7:00
March 8th - Mrs. Burks' birthday 
March 8th - 1st Grade performs at the spirit rally!  7:45am
March 8th - Shamrock Shuffle 12:30 - 1:20
March 11th - 15th - Spring Break/No School
March 22nd - Report cards sent home (sign and return)
March 27th - Wacky Wednesday schedule 
March 28th - Cultural Night 
April 11th - Field Trip to ATT stadium 

Open House:

We are very busy getting things ready to showcase at the TCE Open House.  We can't wait to show you everything we are working on at school on March 7th from 5:30 - 7:00.  This is a night for parents AND students. Don't forget to mark the date on your calendar!!

Book Fair:

Volunteers needed for Book Fair! The Spring Book Fair is coming soon! We need parent/community volunteers* to help with Book Fair Preview (Feb 28, March 1 & 4) and run cash registers, tidy/restock shelves, and help customers find things during Book Fair (March 4 - 8).  We also need a couple of volunteers to help with Book Fair Set-up and Tear Down (Feb 27 & March 8). We appreciate community support to continue this exciting tradition and consumer/financial literacy learning experience for our students! Please sign-up for an available time slot at this link: 

*Volunteers must have an approved Coppell ISD background check on file before you will be permitted to help with Book Fair.  A new background check is required each school year.  You should submit the form at least a week before volunteering. You can find the background check form at this link:

TCE's 2nd Annual Culture Night
We are excited to have our 2nd annual Culture Night at TCE.  Last year was such a great success with all the dishes you shared with our TCE community.  If you would like to share an appetizer, main dish or dessert on March 28th please sign up below. We will get back with you with more specific details as the event grows near. TCE will provide sample cups to share the dish you bring.  This event was successful because of all of our families' contributions. Thank you for making our school so great! 

Be on the lookout for more information about this event including performances and interactive stations!


***If you haven't sent in your money or permission slip for the field trip, please send it in asap.  All money/permission slips were due today!
***If you are volunteering for our field trip, please make sure that you do your background check asap.  You will not be able to attend unless that is completed at least 2 weeks in advance.  THANK YOU!!!! 
***We are still collecting soup cans for Metrocrest Services if you would like to donate! 
***Field Trip Money was due today, March 1st.  If you haven't turned it in yet, please turn it in asap!  Thank you!!!!  

What Are We Learning?
Language Arts:
     Spelling:  No Spelling this week as we prepare for Open House! 
     Reading Our Reader's Workshop book bags are filled with fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and sight words.  We are working hard!!  We are also assessing reading levels for our third report card.
     Writing:  We are working on editing sentences and getting ready for Open House! 

Social Studies: We will continue with our Economics Unit.  We will review goods and services and learn about producers and consumers. I 

Math: Learners will continue to use higher order thinking skills and/or multiple steps to solve word problems this week. 

Math Take Home Activity Give your child 5 small objects, such as paper clips.  Then ask your child how many more objects he or she would need to make 12. 

Science: We will continue to discuss the various ways  we can use rocks, solid and water.  We will also discuss the properties of sand and clay.   

First Grade Spotlight: 
1A:  Spotlights finished! 
1B:  Spotlights finished! 
1D: Spotlights finished! 
                  Pic of the Weeks

We loved having our special  guest reader from 5th grade.  What a treat for us!  

One big happy family

                        Jump rope for the heart